How to Write a Cover Letter

Once you have completed your Football CV your are going to need a cover letter to introduce yourself to scouts and recruiters.

Why Do You Need a Cover Letter?

It’s important to send a cover letter whenever you send a football CV to a club, scout or agent. The only exception is when an agent is approaching a club on your behalf. A cover letter introduces you the right way and enables you to use your personality to elaborate on your skills. By having a cover letter you can:
  • Expand on certain points of your football CV
  • Improve the impact of your football CV
  • Highlight your individual interest in getting a trial or playing for the club

Your football Cover Letter should:

  • Include a layout similar to a standard letter (address and contact details in top right corner etc)
  • Be no more than one A4 page in length
  • Be written in first voice so that you don’t sound robotic. Football is a passionate sport, so try to convey your passion in how you write your letter
  • Tell the football scouts why you are contacting them. For example you may be responding to a trial advert, or requesting a scout visit. Whatever the case, be clear from the start
  • Link your Cover Letter to relevant points/achievements on your Football CV.
Rather than repeating areas of your football CV, it’s important to highlight and elaborate on your most impressive skills and achievements. These will grab the attention on the recruiters The most likely outcome of a successful football CV and cover letter is a visit from a scout. In this situation, a scout will attend one of your fixtures unannounced and compile a report for the club they represent. Scouts watch players regularly, however as the nature of scouting is secretive, you will only find out about a scout visit if your performance leads to a trial or further communication with the club.

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